If I call you a hundred times in vain,
Can’t you believe it’s more than pain?

What holds you back from hearing me,
A shield from wounds, old scars or just desperate me?

Is it that I still stir your soul,
A spark you buried, but I open it sore?

Are you afraid of wounds not healed,
Does it prove that my voice can still make you feel?

Or guilt perhaps, you wish to hide?
We both chose paths that split, then died.

Do I speak too much, is that my sin?
One word from you, and I’ll hold it in.

Is it duty you shun or a debt unpaid?
Or wealth you guard, in walls you’ve laid?

One thought on “Unanswered Calls: The Silence That Holds Answers

  1. Riya Choursia says:

    This poem beautifully captures the raw emotion of longing 💔, unspoken pain 😔, and the complex layers of guilt 😓, love ❤️, and fear 😨 in a broken connection.

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